Gabe the San Gabriel Sasquatch
Gabe the Sasquatch is the official spokesperson for 626 Golden / Active Streets. A native of the San Gabriel Mountains, Gabe enjoys walking through the forest, eating locally-grown plants, and challenging persistent stereotypes like all-sasquatches-are-recluses.
After joining the team in Spring 2016, Gabe traveled across Los Angeles County by (big) foot, bike, Foothill Transit, and Metro to spread the word that there are indeed cool things to see and do east of the eastside. Keep an eye out for him as the event date gets closer and you could win free 626 swag, stickers, hugs, and really high fives! |
Gabe the Sasquatch
Age: 62 Height: 6'9" Weight: 323 lbs Marital Status: Single If you like walkabouts meet me on event day at 6:26am. I'll be the sasquatch wearing the latest ActiveSGV swag. Diet: Plant-based Favorite Metro Line: Metro A Line (formerly known as the Metro Gold Line and L Line) Favorite Hashtag: #GabeTheSasquatch |