A community-inspired and driven event, Active Streets is only possible thanks to the support of local donors, supporting organizations, and volunteers. There are multiple ways you can engage in our events, including volunteering to help make the event possible (includes special perks!), proposing a route activation (requires event planning committee approval), and becoming an official event sponsor.
Given the truly unique nature of open streets, event sponsors will have a special opportunity to connect with residents of all ages and backgrounds, from across the valley and region, who share an interest in health, well-being, sustainability and FUN!
Sponsorship can consist of financial, in-kind or service donations, and help cover the considerable expense of opening streets for the public to enjoy, FREE of charge. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law. For more info on sponsorship levels and opportunities, please contact us.
The cost of staging multi-city open streets events is significant. Indeed, without the generous support of individuals, institutions, and businesses, Active Streets simply would not be possible. Donations of any and all sizes are greatly appreciated, and tax-deductible thanks to non-profit event facilitator ActiveSGV.
Businesses directly benefit from participating in open streets events, with thousands of potential customers passing by storefronts. More foot traffic means more business! Here are a few ways your business or group can take advantage of this opportunity:
Open your businessthe day of the event. If your business is usually closed on Sundays, consider making an exception for one of the largest open streets in the country.
Highlight your business. Display signs, banners and sandwich boards to make your business more visible.
Bring your business outside.If you have permission to use the sidewalk in front of your business, you can bring products, music or seating outside. Please note: no stationary objects are allowed in the street itself.
Not on the event route? Reach out to and partner with a business that is on the route to use their space!
Help promote the event. Put up an Active Streets poster/banner/yard sign or give event flyers and stickers to your customers or members! Email us for a set of promotional materials.